Alchemy refers to an ancient practice that that seeks to prepare the elixir of longevity and ultimate wisdom. Alcohol has played important role in religion and worship. It has been widely used for medicinal, antiseptic, analgesic properties, enhancing enjoyment and quality of life,social lubricant.
Alcohol – the generic term,originated from the Arabic word "Al-Kuhl" refers to the Arabic practice of producing a black powder by condensing vapour of the metal antimony. The powder was used as eye make-up which was eye-liner still occasionally known as Kohl. It wasn't until 16th century that alcohol was used specially referring to distilled spirits.
The discovery of the late stone age beer jugs has established the purposely fermented beverages existed at least as early as 10000 BC.
Egypt - the brewing dates from the beginning of the civilization in ancient Egypt. Osiris, the Egyptian god of afterlife, the underworld and the dead, depicted as green skin man with pharaoh's beard, partially mummy-wrapped was worshiped and often depicted along with alcoholic beverage.
Greece - the first alcoholic beverage to obtain widespread popularity in Greece was mead,i.e.-a fermented beverage from honey and water. Used in religious rituals,hospitality,medicinal purpose and integral part of daily meals. The Symposium, gathering of men for an evening of conversation, entertainment and drinking typically ended in intoxication. Xenophon(431-351BC) and Plato(429-347 BC) both praised the moderate use of wine as beneficial health and happiness. Hippocrates(cir.460-370 BC) identified numerous medicinal properties of wine, which has long been used for its therapeutic value.
Rome - Bacchus,the god of wine, for the Greeks - Dionysus. He is patron deity of agriculture and theater also known as the liberator (Eleutherios),freeing one from ones normal-self, by madness,ecstasy wine.
Babylon- As early as 2700 BC the beer was the major beverage among the Babylonians. They worshiped wine goddess and other wine deities. Babylonians regular used both beer and wine as offerings to their gods. In 1750BC, the famous Code of Hammurabi devoted attention to alcohol.
China - the earliest evidence of alcohol in china are wine jars from Jiahu which date to about 7000BC,making China the first in the world to develop alcoholic beverage early drink was fermenting rice, honey,fruit. A variety of alcoholic beverage was used in china since Paleolithic time. Alcohol known in Chinese as "Jiu" was considered a spiritual food for religious life. Alcoholic beverage were widely used in Chinese Society,were used as a source of inspiration,were important for hospitality,an antidote for fatigue.
India-Alcoholic beverages in the Indus Valley Civilization appeared in the Chalcolithic Era. The beverage were in use between 3000BC-2000 BC,a beverage distilled from rice mead wheat sugarcane grapes and was popular among the Kshatriya Warriors and peasant population. Hindu Ayurveda texts describes the benefits from alcoholic beverages.
Pre-Columbia America-Several native American civilization developed alcoholic beverages. Pulque or Octli, Balche,Tepache, Tejuino, Chicha.In 1000AD in Aztec Empire,the spirit called Pulque was so highly valued that human sacrifices were made to guarantee the steady supply of the drink
Sub-Saharan Africa-Thin gruel like alcoholic beverages have existed in the traditional societies all across the African Continent, which was created through fermentation of Sorghum, Millet or in modern time, Maize or Cassava.
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